Data Warehousing
All data is stored exclusively in highly secure ISO-certified Tier-IV/-III data centers in Switzerland. One data center (CH-EAST) is located in Zurich and the second (CH-WEST) in Geneva. Between them, there is a distance of +100 km as the crow flies, which means that we can meet even the most demanding requirements. Data is stored geo-redundantly in both data centers. This means that a copy of all data is located in the respective other data center and is mirrored in real time. So if one data center fails, your data is still not at risk because it is also stored in the same quality in the second data center.
- Tier IV/-III certified, SOC 1 Type II
- ISO 27001, 9001, 22301, 14001, 50001
- PCI DSS, OHSAS 18001
- Continuous redundancy of all systems
- Georedundant data storage
A data center with the highest security standards (Tier-IV) is protected by on-site security personnel 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. No one is granted access to the respective data center without pre-registration, proof of identity, entering multiple security codes and performing a handheld scan.